2025-01-26 49 14

From Geohashing
Sun 26 Jan 2025 in 49,14:
49.7655566, 14.2149828
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In a forest near Stará Huť.



I plan to take the S88 train from Prague to Stará Huť and to walk 2.7 kilometres to the geohash. I should be able to catch the one that leaves from the main railway station at 10:25 and arrives at Stará Huť at 11:51. Then, I will have plenty of time to explore the area, perhaps finding geocaches or a restaurant to sit in, until a returning train leaves from Dobříš at 15:06 or from Stará Huť at 15:08.


I did the trip exactly as planned. I took bus 138 from Krč to Kačerov station and then took a scenic train ride. There were nice views to the Vltava river, mountains, fields and forests, and I tried to take pictures, but they did not turn out too great. Taking pictures in a moving vehicle is obviously difficult, and most of the stops were in rather boring places.

After getting off the train, I walked out of the town and into the woods towards the hashpoint. I stopped occasionally to photograph buildings and nature. The hashpoint happened to be in a part of forest that was mostly spruce and looked deceptively like a typical Finnish forest. In contrast, most of the forest was oak and other broad-leaved trees that we do not have natively. There was otherwise nothing much interesting to see there.

I then walked out of the forest to Dobříš and photographed some more. While it was calm and beautiful everywhere, the view from the hill overlooking the towns was especially breathtaking. I went under the motorway, found interesting caves in a cliff, visited Dobříš Castle and found three geocaches and a multicache on the way. All of this took enough time that I could then walk to Dobříš station and hop in the train that was already awaiting passengers and would soon leave. I was aware of the time left and my distance to the station at all times, so I was not in a danger of missing the train.

The length of the tracklog part from Stará Huť station to Dobříš station is 11.2 kilometres. It likely includes some summed noise, so let's say I walked about 11 kilometres plus about a kilometre in Prague. The whole trip took a bit over seven hours.


Blue = bus and train, red = walking.

The GPS signal was weak and unstable in the train, which is visible as several weird jumps and spikes. I removed the part where I walked to the final location of the multicache and back.



Kripakko earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, 14) geohash on 2025-01-26.
Kripakko earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, 14) geohash on 2025-01-26 using public transit.
Kripakko earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC923R7 73 m from the (49, 14) geohash on 2025-01-26.