2015-12-15 52 9
Tue 15 Dec 2015 in Hannover: 52.3961503, 9.7035291 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
The Geohash is located in a community garden in Hannover-Herrenhausen.
Since the coordinates are inside a community garden, I knew that I must be very careful. These guys are crazy about their gardens, so I told myself that I wouldn't enter any locked areas or do any other climbing-over-fences activities.
On Google Maps it looked unlikely that the coordinates would be accessable, it actually looked like it was in a hut or something. But since the coordinates were so close to me, I didn't want to waste a good chance. Additionally, I wanted to make this a Midnight Geohash.
I left at 23:20 and rode my bike to the entrance of the garden. The main gate wasn't locked, so I entered. I went a while down the path until I got to a dead end, a wall that was blocking my way. I could have got around it, but I would have to break into an individual garden to do so, so I didn't do that.
Next, I tried an entry at another road. (See the screenshot below.) Unfortunately, there were only gates to individual gardens on that road, which were locked. This actually was as far as I have thought and I didn't have any further plan. However, as I looked at the map, I noticed that there might be a chance of getting to the coordinates from the north, going next to the train tracks bordering the garden.
So I went back to the first gate, and a few meters to the left, there was a second gate that wasn't locked. I entered and went along the way. On my left were (with some distance, I wasn't walking directly next to them) the train tracks, on my right the some bushes bordering the garden. At some point, I came to a spot were I could see the wall, and this time could walk past it. However, there were bushes in my way and I couldn't get any closer. I went a little further and tried another spot, but that didn't help either. There probably also would be a fence behind the bushes, so I didn't really try to get past them.
The closest I got was, both at the wall and at the bushes, about 12 meters, with the proof showing 16 meters.
Fippe earned the No trespassing consolation prize