2020-06-20 42 -78
Sat 20 Jun 2020 in 42,-78: 42.7319364, -78.9322605 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
On Bird Ave, off Old Lake Shore Rd near Lake Erie in the Town of Hamburg
This hash appeared to be a little too far off the road to be accessible, but it was too close not to go. The weather was great for a bike ride anyway, and I could explore a new area. I studied the map and with few turns, I didn't bother writing out directions. Even though it was Saturday, I was planning on going earlier than 16:00 for an Official Saturday Meetup, because I really didn't think I would make it. However, I did some yard work earlier in the day and had a lazy afternoon, so it wasn't until around 15:45 that I left for the hash.
Remembering all the turns, I didn't have any trouble getting to Old Lakeshore and the Hash-Road. In one spot on Old Lakeshore, there was a really nice vista where the road was really close to the lake and you could see the City of Buffalo in the distance with clouds building in the afternoon heat.
Riding slowly down Bird Ave, I found the yard with the hash, which had large bushes growing right along the road for privacy. I had the HashDroid app running and I realized I stopped a little too far so I had to backtrack slightly. However, I knew for sure now this was going to be a No Trespassing. The closest I was able to get was about 36 feet/10 meters. I got a couple pictures before continuing my ride.
Since it was only 7 miles to the hash, the plan was to continue down Bird and make a right back to Old Lakeshore, but I found a dirt road that looked more like a driveway so I turned left and found my way back to the initial road I turned on from Old Lakeshore. I ended up just going back that way and continued riding South. It was a very interesting ride as this road had many mansions where the rich built houses in the early days of Buffalo so they could relax in the Country with really nice lake views. The road is more built up now, but still very rich.
I ended up riding another 8 miles down the road before turning around and cutting in a bit earlier to go back to the Village of Hamburg where I live. Ended up riding a total of about 27 miles.
Pedalpusher earned the No trespassing consolation prize
Pedalpusher earned the Bicycle geohash achievement