Hullo, salutations, and all that good stuff. I'm an Tri-city treemonkey who has yet to participate in a hash, mostly due to an utter lack of a compass or anything remotely resembling GPS technology.
I have no idea what I'm doing. This is a normal state of affairs. Huzzah!
Because I have nothing better to report.
20-11-2009: 42, -83 hash point a mere six miles from my house, but unable to get home for the weekend. D'oh!
12-12-2009: 42, -83 hash point a mere four miles from my house, but again unable to get home for the weekend.
15-12-2009: 42, -83 hash point thirteen miles from my house, but..
03-01-2010: 42, -83 hash point seven miles from my house, but unable to change plans to accommodate.
08-01-2010: 42, -83 hash point ten miles from my house, but unable to change plans.
24-01-2010: 42, -83 hash point five miles from my house, but unable to get home.
03-02-2010: 42, -83 hash point fourteen miles from my house, etc.