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From Geohashing
(Created page with "== Introduction == My name is Jonathan and I'm from the UK. My home graticule is 52,0 (Leeds/Sheffield) but also spend time in 52,-1 (Birmingham/Derby) I like hiking and bei...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:57, 9 December 2015


My name is Jonathan and I'm from the UK. My home graticule is 52,0 (Leeds/Sheffield) but also spend time in 52,-1 (Birmingham/Derby)

I like hiking and being outdoors, particularly doing endurance walks such as the 3 peaks of Yorkshire and most recently the Coast-to-Coast Walk (some Wainwright, some my own route).

I began geohashing in December 2015. More often, I will go for easily accessible places but if I spot one on a Satuedaywhich is manageable by foot or by bike and fancy a challenge, I'll have a go!

My Geohashing Career

Coming soon! (Very soon)