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== Sat Jul 24 13:36:21 BST 2010 ==
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_0003.PNG|iPhone map proof.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_0005.PNG|iPhone GPS proof.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2267.JPG|Fishing lake.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2268.JPG|Fishing lake.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2270.JPG|Hash field on left across ditch.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2271.JPG|VIew into hash field.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2275.JPG|Hash field.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2284.JPG|There she is!
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2288.JPG|Where's rabbitfox?
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2289.JPG|Clubhouse just visible through trees.
File:2010-07-22_51_-0_IMG_2291.JPG|Closer shot for proof.
== Fri Jun 25 12:04:50 CEST 2010 ==
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_0310.PNG|iPhone map proof, of sorts.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_0312.PNG|GPS proof, of sorts.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2223.JPG|Newfangled heat has wilted our grins.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2225.JPG|Potential hashpoint A.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2227.JPG|Potential hashpoint B.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2228.JPG|Potential hashpoint A from another angle.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2230.JPG|A nice tree-lined street for the hash.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2236.JPG|Rabbitfox finds the rose geocache.
File:2010-06-06_52_13_IMG_2240.JPG|A funny way to adhere to building code - Edeka's carpark, with the facade of the original building left intact (there was a geocache here).
== Fri May 21 21:54:43 CEST 2010 ==
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0256.JPG|Horsies by Baruth station.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0260.JPG|Tree-lined avenue from station to the Baruth park.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0262.JPG|A very cool but dilapidated building on stilts next to the rather marshy park.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0264.JPG|Not long for this world.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0265.JPG|Baruth park castle.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0267.JPG|A travel bug and a gigantic oak holding geocache GC27F0Q.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0270.JPG|Walking down the road toward Klasdorf.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0272.JPG|Turn-off into what turned out to be a tract of land for a pipeline.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0273.JPG|Pipeline pumping or monitoring station?
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0275.JPG|Mystery Box mark 2 - no box, just a lifeguard's chair!
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0276.JPG|Geodesic survey marker on a tree.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0279.JPG|Geodesic survey stone.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0280.JPG|Marker and stone together.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0281.PNG|GPS coords of the marker.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0283.JPG|Where in Berlin they number every single tree, out here in Brandenburg they only number each section of forest :-)
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0284.JPG|The pipeline tract opens up into a larger field, the hashpoint is beyond the far line of trees, but... an electric fence!
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0286.JPG|Fortunately the fence ends abruptly and shows it was there for no reason at all.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0287.JPG|Looking down the hashfield. The hashpoint is beyond the mystery box.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0288.JPG|And turning the corner to see the hashpoint in the dead centre of this photo.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0290.PNG|iPhone map proof.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0292.PNG|iPhone GPS proof.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0294.JPG|That's a cake. With two candles.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0299.JPG|A tractor crosses the top of the hash field.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0301.JPG|No poster, left a card. The tree sap is coming out in the strong sun.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0302.JPG|After a flat journey, heading downward back into civilisation.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0303.JPG|Baruth has a few of these strange underground cellars dotted around in public places - not connected to any private property.
File:2010-05-21_52_13_IMG_0306.JPG|Roundabout joining the two major roads running through Baruth.
== Fri May 21 20:17:24 CEST 2010 ==
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_0230.PNG|iPhone GPS proof.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_0234.PNG|iPhone map proof.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2182.JPG|Boarded up hashhouse.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2186.JPG|This place is giving us the willies.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2191.JPG|Hashhouse side wall.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2193.JPG|Hashpoint and boarded up house hiding in the trees.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2196.JPG|Looking across the Rummelsberger See.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2197.JPG|View down the Rummelsburger See from safety.
File:2010-05-13_52_13_IMG_2199.JPG|View from the other side of the lake. Just because.
== Wed May 12 02:41:49 CEST 2010 ==
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_0225.PNG|iPhone Map proof. Wide inaccuracy due to neighbouring tall buildings, but we positioned ourselves accurately by map. Time: 23:59.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_0226.PNG|iPhone GPS proof at 00:00.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2159.JPG|The early birds catch the midnight geohash.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2162.JPG|South: Alexa shopping mall.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2164.JPG|West: Park Inn tower.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2169.JPG|Northwest: Alexanderplatz ecke Alexanderplatz.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2171.JPG|The full night-time geohashing lineup.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2172.JPG|And again for safety (and because rabbitfox was indigant).
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2174.JPG|Our poster
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2176.JPG|Proof that you can see Alexoase from the hashpoint.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2179.JPG|Alexoase from the front.
File:2010-05-12_52_13_IMG_2180.JPG|And us inside the bar.
== Sat Mar 20 21:27:45 CET 2010 ==
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_0200.PNG|iPhone map proof
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_0207.PNG|iPhone GPS proof
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_0208.JPG|Tee hee hee.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2117.JPG|Observation platform just before the hashpoint.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2119.JPG|Carpark. Woman is on the hashpoint.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2121.JPG|Hash cart.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2135.JPG|Pond across the road.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2140.JPG|Hash card.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2143.JPG|Graveyard entrance.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2144.JPG|Part of the enormous graveyard complex.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2147.JPG|The three adjacent graveyards mistrust each other so much they have fences in between.
File:2010-03-20_52_13_IMG_2153.JPG|Plane landing at TXL.
== Sun Mar 14 19:21:40 CET 2010 ==
== Wed Dec 30 19:04:59 GMT 2009 ==
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_0068.PNG|GPS screenshot
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_1996.JPG|Sodden footpath
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_1997.JPG|A choice of four public swamp-paths
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_2000.JPG|Silly grin!
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_2008.JPG|Frozen hash-field
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_2009.JPG|Unfrozen hash-field
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_2010.JPG|Farm buildings
File:2009-12-16_50_0_IMG_2013.JPG|Farm sign
== Thu Dec 10 23:14:11 CET 2009 ==
Image:2009-12-10_52_13_IMG_0059.PNG|iPhone Cheaper GPS "There/Not There" mode proof
Image:2009-12-10_52_13_IMG_0061.PNG|iPhone Cheaper GPS "Warmer/Colder" mode proof
Image:2009-12-10_52_13_IMG_0062.PNG|iPhone map proof
Image:2009-12-10_52_13_IMG_1977.JPG|Our poster
Image:2009-12-10_52_13_IMG_1982.JPG|The Sommergarten was not open
== Fri Dec 04 21:05:14 CET 2009 ==
Image:2009-12-04_52_13_IMG_0045.JPG|The erotic massage parlour next door.
Image:2009-12-04_52_13_IMG_0047.JPG|The church in front of the hashpoint
Image:2009-12-04_52_13_IMG_0050.JPG|Church again
Image:2009-12-04_52_13_IMG_0052.PNG|No GPS reception in the hof
== Sun Nov 29 02:55:38 CET 2009 ==
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_0039.PNG|iPhone map proof
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_0042.PNG|iPhone GPS proof
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_1964.JPG|Entering the haunted forest
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_1965.JPG|A madman on the loose
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_1970.JPG|relet tests the QR code
Image:2009-11-27_52_13_IMG_1975.JPG|Nassenheide station
== Wed Oct 07 20:45:45 BST 2009 ==
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1809.JPG|First bus, Lisbon to Sesimbra.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1811.JPG|Second bus, Sesimbra to Cabo Espichel.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1812.JPG|View from the monastery.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1813.JPG|View from the monastery.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1814.JPG|The monastery.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1818.JPG|My bus in front of the monastery.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1821.JPG|A field of seagulls.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1825.JPG|Green hides the hashpoint.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1828.JPG|A blockage before the hash ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1829.JPG|... a sidetrack ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1830.JPG|... and a way through ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1831.JPG|... to the hashpoint.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1833.JPG|The hash-beetle.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1837.JPG|GPS Proof.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1844.JPG|Me & rabbitfox grinning.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1853.JPG|rabbitfox impersonating davidc.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1863.JPG|Lighthouse. Actual Size!!!
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1870.JPG|Geocache drop.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1871.JPG|Back of the lighthouse.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1872.JPG|Geocache bush.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1873.JPG|The lighthouse should be over there, really.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1885.JPG|Millions of years of rock.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1888.JPG|The monastery perched on top.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1890.JPG|The monastery and the rocks.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1893.JPG|A fresh ditch by the road. No doubt to bring FTTH to the residents of the lighthouse.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1895.JPG|A dubious wall ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1896.JPG|... turned out to be an aqueduct for the monastery.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1897.JPG|... along the whole route back ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1898.JPG|How cool is that?
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1900.JPG|Typically half-arsed attempts at building houses.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1904.JPG|That's not sunlight forcing my eyes shut, that's a river of sweat that even my big fat eyebrows can't divert.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1905.JPG|A much more dignified photo of myself at this point.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1907.JPG|The first town! Bus stop not far away.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1921.JPG|rabbitfox double-checks the hashcards.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1924.JPG|The fog quickly overtakes the bus.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1930.JPG|The bridge ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1933.JPG|... crossing ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1940.JPG|... the strait ...
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1945.JPG|... back to Lisbon. The docks.
Image:2009-10-07_38_-9_IMG_1954.JPG|And the aqueduct in the middle of the city.
== Thu Oct 01 23:54:02 BST 2009 ==
== Thu Oct 01 23:54:02 BST 2009 ==
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Latest revision as of 18:33, 15 September 2020

Sat Jul 24 13:36:21 BST 2010

Fri Jun 25 12:04:50 CEST 2010

Fri May 21 21:54:43 CEST 2010

Fri May 21 20:17:24 CEST 2010

Wed May 12 02:41:49 CEST 2010

Sat Mar 20 21:27:45 CET 2010

Sun Mar 14 19:21:40 CET 2010

Wed Dec 30 19:04:59 GMT 2009

Thu Dec 10 23:14:11 CET 2009

Fri Dec 04 21:05:14 CET 2009

Sun Nov 29 02:55:38 CET 2009

Wed Oct 07 20:45:45 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 23:54:02 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 23:19:24 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 23:15:03 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 22:52:07 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 22:44:00 BST 2009

Thu Oct 01 13:47:52 BST 2009

Wed Sep 30 23:03:15 BST 2009

Wed Sep 30 22:12:35 BST 2009

Mon Sep 28 10:32:14 BST 2009

Thu Sep 24 13:06:18 BST 2009

Tue Sep 15 20:14:41 CEST 2009

Wed Sep 09 00:00:49 CEST 2009

Wed Sep 02 18:51:09 CEST 2009

Tue Sep 01 21:28:40 CEST 2009

Tue Sep 01 21:23:11 CEST 2009