Difference between revisions of "2010-10-07 61 24"

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<!-- If you did not specify these parameters in the template, please substitute appropriate values for IMAGE, LAT, LON, and DATE (YYYY-MM-DD format)
Remove this section if you don't want an image at the top (left) of your report.  You should remove the "Image:" or "File:"
tag from your image file name, and replace the all upper-case word IMAGE in the above line.
And DON'T FORGET to add your expedition and the best photo you took to the gallery on the Main Page! We'd love to read your report, but that means we first have to discover it!
{{meetup graticule
| lat=latitude of graticule
| lon=longitude of graticule
| date=date of expedition, in YYYY-MM-DD format
<!-- edit as necessary -->
== Location ==
<!-- where you've surveyed the hash to be -->
== Participants ==
<!-- who attended -->
== Plans ==
<!-- what were the original plans -->
== Expedition ==
<!-- how it all turned out. your narrative goes here. -->
== Tracklog ==
<!-- if your GPS device keeps a log, you may post a link here -->
== Photos ==
<!-- Insert pictures between the gallery tags using the following format:
Image:2010-##-## ## ## Alpha.jpg | Witty Comment
<gallery perrow="5">
== Achievements ==
<!-- Add any achievement ribbons you earned below, or remove this section -->
<!-- =============== USEFUL CATEGORIES FOLLOW ================
Delete the next line ONLY if you have chosen the appropriate categories below. If you are unsure, don't worry. People will read your report and help you with the classification. -->
[[Category:New report]]
<!-- Potential categories. Please include all the ones appropriate to your expedition -->
<!-- If this is a planning page:
[[Category:Expedition planning]]
<!-- An actual expedition:
-- and one or more of --
[[Category:Expeditions with photos]]
[[Category:Expeditions with videos]]
[[Category:Expedition without GPS]]
<!-- if you reached your coords:
[[Category:Coordinates reached]]
<!-- or if you failed :(
[[Category:Coordinates not reached]]
-- and a reason --
[[Category:Not reached - Mother Nature]]    when there is a natural obstacle between you and the target
[[Category:Not reached - No public access]]  when there is a man-made obstacle between you and the target
[[Category:Not reached - Technology]]        when you failed get your GPS, car, bike or such to work
[[Category:Not reached - Did not attempt]]  when you went to an alternate location, or decided early on to abort the expedition.
== Location ==
== Location ==
In the Finnish woods close to a nature path in Idänpää (East End) part of the town Hämeenlinna, [http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/linkki?scale=2000&text=2010-10-07_61_24&srs=EPSG%3A3067&y=6766699&mode=rasta&x=364119&lang=fi[Karttapaikka map]].
In the Finnish woods close to a nature path in Idänpää (East End) part of the town Hämeenlinna, [http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/linkki?scale=2000&text=2010-10-07_61_24&srs=EPSG%3A3067&y=6766699&mode=rasta&x=364119&lang=fi[Karttapaikka map]].

Revision as of 16:28, 7 October 2010

<map lat="latitude of graticule" lon="longitude of graticule" date="<strong class="error">Error: Invalid time.</strong>"></map>
[[Error: Invalid time. | Error: Invalid time.]] in latitude of graticule,longitude of graticule:
Expression error: Unrecognized word "longitude".latitude of graticule.2691783, Expression error: Unrecognized word "longitude".longitude of graticule.5345674
not yet announced

[[Category:Meetup on Error: Invalid time.]]









In the Finnish woods close to a nature path in Idänpää (East End) part of the town Hämeenlinna, [Karttapaikka map].

Suomalaisessa metsässä ulkoilureitin lähistöllä Hämeenlinnassa Idänpään kaupunginosassa, [Karttapaikka].


The Expedition and Photos

There was a short walk, about 200 metres, from nearest street to the hashpoint. It was about 2:15 pm when I reached the place. It was in Finnish forest - pines, spruces, but also little oaks. It was fine autumn weather, temperature about 12°.

I've never done geohashing before, but I've been geocacher abput eight years. Today's hashpoint was quite near because I live in Hämeenlinna.

Auto parkkiin Someronkadun varteen, siitä oli parisataa metriä päivän pisteelle. Melkein koko matka oli mukavaa ulkoilupolkua ja lopussa pieni poikkeaminen metsään. Pääsin paikalle noin 14:15. Ympäristö oli tavallista suomalaista kaupunkimetsää - mäntyjä, kuusia, mutta myös pieniä tammia. Oli kaunis syyspäivä, lämpötila n. 12 astetta.

Tämä oli ensimmäinen "hassini", geokätköilijä olen ollut jo yli kahdeksan vuotta. Olen lukenut kätköilyfoorumilla aiheesta ja nyt kun piste sattui kotikaupunkiin, piti lähteä kokeilemaan.