Hunter gatherer achievement

From Geohashing
Revision as of 15:41, 20 July 2024 by KerrMcF (talk | contribs) (New achievements category)
Hunter gatherer achievement

Template:Hunter gatherer achievement

This user earned the Hunter gatherer achievement
by harvesting food on their expedition to the ({{{latitude}}}, {{{longitude}}}) geohash on [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}|{{{date}}}]].

Some geohashers harvest wild food on their expeditions. This achievement celebrates the deliciousness (or not so much) that they experience, and allows wild food geohashes to be easily found on the wiki. Photographic evidence should be provided with extra credit for comic effects like skin or tongue staining. Wild food legally harvested from the wilderness includes herbs, roots, fruit, nuts, grains, fungi, game, road kill and fish.

This achievement excludes food discarded as litter or found in bins or dumpsters. Eggs stolen from nests are a big no-no. Cultivated crops do not count - that's theft! Please always obey local environmental protection laws. Only consume food you know not to be poisonous.

Eggs left by the Easter Bunny are a grey area.