I live in the Vernon, British Columbia graticule. It's a great place to geohash if you like to get to the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately it also means there's no other geohashers around. For now you can find all my expeditions on the Vernon page.
Getting Around
I drive a Subaru Legacy, which is a great car for all the unpaved roads here. It doesn't always cut it on the logging roads and four-wheeler trails, which are required traveling for most hash points. Nevertheless, I think I surprise some of the pickups passing by, and sometimes myself. I had been considering a dual-sport motorcycle, and since geohashing I want one even more!
I enjoy photography, and geohashing gave me the last push to purchasing a digital SLR. My photos taken up till the August 28th hash are with a point and shoot, and those after should be with the SLR. If you ever want a print-quality copy please let me know, I'd be flattered.
Getting in Touch
Feel free to leave anything on my discussion page. You can also find me on the #geohashing IRC channel, whether I'm idle or active.