Talk:Stuttgart, Germany
Expedition planning / Upcoming locations
... is a probably easy location near Sersheim. I'm not going as it's too far for me. --Ekorren 20:46, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
... looks accessible on the slope above Mössingen-Öschingen. By bike it's about 15 km from Tübingen, with some elevation metres, but only half up the Albtrauf. Busline 7624 offers sporadic taxi connections from Mössingen which need to be booked at least 30 min before departure. Walking from Gönningen or Mössingen might also be an option.
I'll probably go by bike. No plans about when to go yet. --Ekorren 20:46, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
... is on a field in the middle of nowhere, near Justingen (between Münsingen and Schelklingen), probably inaccessible, with bad public transport.
... isn't due for quite some time. But it's my birthday, and it's a saturday, so I'll probably try and get the birthday geohash achievement. Not neccessarily in this graticule, rather probably somewhere else. If you might consider joining me, watch this space (and/or drop me a message) - I'll try to announce the plans as soon as possible. Which probably won't be before friday evening, though. --Ekorren 20:46, 17 July 2009 (UTC)