2012-03-24 47 -122

From Geohashing
Revision as of 04:09, 26 March 2012 by imported>OtherJack (wrote it up!)
Sat 24 Mar 2012 in 47,-122:
47.9558732, -122.7115310
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Alternate location: Cowen Park, U-district, Seattle



The perfect hashes this weekend...great sites everywhere...all on the other side of the sound. Again.

So, since we've got at least two people interested, we're hitting something more reachable: Cowen Park in the U-District.

The marker on Google and Bing Maps both fall on this weird thing that is probably a flagpole, surrounded by elaborate round landscaping paths. So let's meet there at 4! And then maybe attempt to geocache or something.

Currently, OtherJack and Traveller are coming.


I got to the park about 4:30 on a beautiful sunny Saturday as planned, but due to my lack of a smartphone or other internet on me I didn't realize Traveller had suggested to meet at the weird round thing. Actually, I wasn't even aware the place had a weird round thing. So I just walked to the center of the (muddy) ballfield and stood there confused for a while, and finally called him. After that, things worked out fine - we stood around by what turned out to be a working sundial (though not quite as cool as the one at Gasworks) and talked about geohashing, creating things, Traveller's native Seattleiteness which I kept trying to deny for some reason, etc. Traveller has some crazy plans up his geohashing sleeve. It was an easy walk home afterward.


I think Traveller has some...

Traveller and OtherJack earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting in person at an alternate geohash in (47, -122) on 2012-03-24.