Expedition Archives from June 2008
Saturday 14 June 2008 | Sunday 15 June 2008 | Monday 16 June 2008
See also: Category:Meetup on 2008-06-15
All locations: 0.475380817774, 0.761276686309
- 2008-06-15 Ottawa, ON: The location is on the fairway of the 18th hole of the Hautes Plaines golf club in Gatineau, QC. Definitely accessible, but flying golf balls may present a hazard. Laszlo plans on being there.
- 2008-06-15 Christchurch, New Zealand: The actual hash is about 3 km off the coast in the Pacific Ocean. Evil Monkey got to the beach nearest just before 1 pm.
- 2008-06-15 Wellington, New Zealand: The hash is ~14km off the south coast of the North Island, in the Cook Straight. nzsteak was going to have a beach picnic at the closest beach, but was delayed and only ended up with photos.
- 2008-06-15 Linköping, Sweden: Hash is on a field off a small local road north of Linghem. Floffe was there.
- 2008-06-15 Reno, Nevada: Hash is within Reno city limits, but about 30 feet up a cliff face from the nearest reachable flat area. fo0bar was there.
- 2008-06-15 Snoqualmie, Washington: Just off Insterstate 90, but unfortunately on private and inaccessible property. Thomcat got as close as possible.
- 2008-06-15 San Jose, California: Other side of Calaveras Resivior. Jakobo got as far down Marsh road as the "San Francisco Water District" restricted property locked gates.
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