Save the Crop
This achievement was proposed in the past, but has been rejected, because it was too similar to the no trespassing consolation prize. Please read the discussion page for more details.
As per the page proposed achievements: If an achievement has strong opposition and the reasons for opposition are not resolved through discussion, then the proposed achievements category is replaced with the rejected achievements category, the reason explained succinctly on the page, and the page otherwise marked to make sure it isn't confused with an achievements page.
Claim this consolation prize if you can't reach the hash point due to you being a considerate person with too much common sense.
It is a variation to the No trespassing consolation prize with the difference that here, no sign or fence holds you back, but you still don't continue in order to not destroy/disturb/damage someone else's goods- as in the crop on a field, the freshly poured concrete, whatever.
In my standard graticule, you always end up in front of a field- usually fields you cannot enter without damaging the plants (wheat...). I'd like to be consoled for this continued tragedy and think it is a good thing to hint to people that not everything not forbidden is automatically permitted or a good decision by this ribbon. Rincewind, 2011-09-29