1000 Blank White Cards
The game of 1000 blank white cards is the improvisational spirit of Calvin Ball applied to the play style of a collector card game. Think Magic the Gathering or Munchkin, but you make them up as you go. The goal of the game is not so much to win the game, as it is to metagame well. It is more challenging (and more impressive) to lose well than it is to win poorly. It is a game of creativity, cleverness, and gamesmanship.
Play consists of three stages: the Prologue, the Game, and the Epilogue.
In this stage, the deck for the game is created. It should consist of cards from previous games, cards created now, and blank cards to be created during game play. In one tradition, it should consist of 4 of each type per player. This number can be changed to 3 for a short game or 5 for a long game. The cards from previous games are selected randomly from the 'keep' deck that the group has built up over previous games. If no such deck is available, then no pre-made cards are used, and additional prologue-made and blank cards are used in their place. All of these cards are shuffled together well to make the draw pile.