2009-12-11 55 -2
Fri 11 Dec 2009 in 55,-2: 55.9052062, -2.8253502 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
The middle of a field, in the middle of Scotland.
Complete my first geohash and go for the Tron achievement. Aimed to set out at 19:00 since I was dragging a friend along who had to return from Edinburgh.
We decided to walk this one since the hashpoint fell about 6 miles from Haddington where we both lived. Despite the horrid weather taking a 15 minute drive felt like it would be cheating over actually taking the trek. We started off at 19:30 from the middle of Haddington, hoping to complete the 12 mile round route in about 4 hours. The weather was consistently below freezing (normally -1C when we checked) and we had massive visibility issues due to fog. Most of the night it was down to between 5 and 10 meters visibility. We managed to get to the hash point at about 22:15 after having gotten slightly lost in the adjacent field. The fog had lifted slightly and we got great views of the stars but the actual hash point was in a fallow field and uninteresting. Photos were taken and the temperature was measured at -1.3C. We left from the opposite end of the field and started doing the return loop. A missed turn meant we had to take a slightly longer road (0.3 miles) but we managed to not cross our own path. The visibility was awful on the way back rarely getting beyond 5 meters which delayed us significantly. The total trip took 6 hours rather than the planned 4 but it was completed despite icey hair, thick fog and the odd patch of ice.