I don't exactly know how I learned about geohashing. I'm an avid reader of the XKCD webcomics, so I porpably learned about geohashing there. Anyway, I try to use geohashing as an excuse to get out more. Since I don't own a drivers license I have to wait for those geohashes that are reachable by bike/foot/publich transportation.
Also I try to drag along my wife to the hashes (she likes the idea of geohashing as well), but since her work schedule keeps her occupied I have to go alone most of the time. :(
Distance I cycled just because of geohashing: 43.8km.
Expeditions (total: 6)
Successful expeditions (total: 4, newest on top)
Unsuccessful expeditions (total: 2, newest on top)
- 2011-06-01 53 10 - On a field near Curslack. Coordinates not reached, no trespassing!
- 2011-03-03 53 10 - On a muddy field between Boberg and Lohbrügge. Coordinates not reached due to a fence that blocked the path.
My achievements. I am so proud. :)
Single Achievements (first times only)
Single Geohash Challenges
Consolation Prizes
Bierhefe earned the I walked all this way and all I got was this lousy consolation ribbon?
- by fighting his way over a muddy field for over 1km just to find out there was a fence blocking his path 150m away from the actual hash point. (53, 10) geohash on 2011-03-03.