2012-09-21 -31 116

From Geohashing
Revision as of 02:52, 25 October 2012 by imported>Snaplatitude (Achievements)
Fri 21 Sep 2012 in -31,116:
-31.4302360, 116.7126409
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In a paddock in Mumberkine, Western Australia


  • Snaplatitude
  • a lady friend
  • a geologist from Western Australia


So we were on holidays in Perth, Western Australia, and might I add having a LOVELY time with a great friend we don't get to see nearly as much as we should. One day we decided to give the geohashing thing a blast, and there was a relatively simple one to get to in the next graticule over, so we went for it! It was a long drive and I was feeling rather unwell, but that didn't stop it from being a great adventure. We stopped off at Northam aroudn lunchtime to get some lunch. Incredible thing about Northam is everybody there is an arsehole and they're trapped in the late 80's. While waiting for the food to arrive nature called so I left the eatery we were at and went to the pub next door, "surely they'll have a toilet in here". The troglodyte of a woman that answered me with a rats nest of white blond hair responded "no, no you'll have to go across the road to the.. umm thing" I stared blankly at her, and she replied the same. After almost a minute's silence I said "the thing? care to elaborate?" "ahhh the Red Rooster" Across the road the Red Rooster was like something out of a horror movie, the toilet walls were smeared with what I can only imagine is Nutella. Empty shoe boxes and food containers littered the floor. The whole place stank to high heaven. It was definitely an experience. ANYWAY After lunch we continued North of Northam (HAHAHA) to the hashpoint, I neglected to mention earlier in the post that the weather forecast for today was 100km/hour winds. THAT'S FAST WIND! As we came along the beautiful red-dirt track we saw bins blowing themselves over, magpies struggling to survive in the blusterous conditions and a couple of actual tumbleweeds, which I got excited about when the driver ran over one, which she denies to this day.

At the end of our 130Km trek we were disheartened to find the hash in a private paddock. It was still a trip to remember though :)



Due to the nature of this failure via private property I'm adding another notch on my posted achievement (I need 100 private property fails to get this achievement)

I'd very much like the virgin graticule achievement, being the first to ever attempt hashing for this area, but since I didn't reach the coordinates I'm not sure I deserve it.