
From Geohashing
West of -30°: 0.8531025811716042, 0.2446021959360299
East of -30°: 0.3227205387098275, 0.7045834347042035

The above coordinates for West of -30° are correct; they use 2008-05-30-12647.36, taking the value from finance.google.com. The Dow Jones feed utilised by the reference implementation did not update properly, so for now, the map lookup is incorrect. Please manually determine your coordinates by plugging them directly into the search bar at Google Maps. If you still have concerns, direct them to Template talk:Expeditions/2008-05-31.

  • 2008-05-30 Singapore - Successfully reached by r0d3n7z at approximately 17:00 SGT. Couldn't gain access to the secured compound, but managed to get pretty close.
  • 2008-05-30 Melbourne, FL - Is in the Indian River, a couple hundred yards beyond the end of Park Ave in Rockledge. Nurbles will try to get there right after work, before it is too dark for a photo.