Townsville, Australia
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[[Category:Meetup in {{{lat}}} {{{lon}}}| ]]
The Townsville graticule is a pretty good one. It neatly includes Magnetic Island, Crystal Creek and Paluma in the north (but not as far as Paluma Dam), Alligator Creek in the east, and almost reaches Charters Towers in the west. Most of the middle will be pretty hard to get to by road but there is some potential.
Graticule Links
Local Geohashers
Simon made this page. He doesn't own a GPS and isn't all that serious about actually Geohashing for real. But he might just check the coordinates once in a while and... maybe... Anyone else out there?
Matty K created the following abomination: It reduces the Townsville graticule by another order of magnitude (0.1°×0.1° — approx. 10km×10km). Unfortunately he can't be bothered making it suck less. However, if people are interested in using either this or the official algorithm to meet up randomly on Saturdays, he's willing.
Also there is a facebook group:
Recent Saturday Locations
(Presumably unattended)
- Sat, 24-May-2008. Right near the beach 10 minutes north of Saunders Beach. There's a dirt road you can see on the satellite view. Would have been a great spot!
- Sat, 31-May-2008. Somewhere in the Paluma range. But not the national park. MNIMB material.
- Sat, 7-Jun-2008. A 4km-or-so hike across some evil looking terrain out west along the Harveys Range development road. MNIMB again, mayhap.
- Sat, 14-Jun-2008. About as far west as you can get along the Burdekin River without leaving the Townsville graticule. About 1.5km from the road if you come via the Towers and walk across the river.
- Sat, 21-Jun-2008. Somewhere out whoop-whoop in the Burdekin, between Charters Towers and Ravenswood. But there are creek beds to follow, so maybe doable. Another horse/dirt bike trip.
- Sat, 28-Jun-2008. Near an apparent crater and some sort of industrial area (a quarry?) near Dotswood... wherever that is.
- Sat, 12-Jul-2008. Near Dotswood again. There's some sort of dirt road on the satellite view.
- Sat, 9-Aug-2008. Middle of nowhere. Horse or dirt bike required.
- Sat, 16-Aug-2008. Someone's front yard at Alice River. Definitely doable.
Links for upcoming Saturdays
Please Note: until the time comes, these links will be inaccurate as they depend on data that isn't known yet. If you can predict the stock market ahead of time, please let us know.