I'am Jan, I live in Warszawa, Poland

- 2012-03-02 Just started geohashing adventure. Is there an RSS for GeoHashing?
- 2012-03-02 First hash in first day: 2012-03-02_51_21
- 2012-06-13 Three months later.... second geohash: 2012-06-13_52_20
- 2013-11-10 Near Krakow 2013-11-10_50_19
- 2013-11-11 On the road 2013-11-11 50 20
- 2017-06-17 Five years later.... 2017-06-17_52_20
- 2023-05-03 aaand then , six years later: 2023-05-03_53_22
- 2023-05-17 Hash almost next to home, so had to got it.2023-05-17
3 times virgin graticule! Template:Virgin graticule Template:Virgin graticule Template:Virgin graticule