I am a geocacher (mwwilsons at also) from Norwood, NC. I recently learned about geohashing from a geocache here in southern New Mexico. I had never hear of it or xkcd before, but had fun doing the geocache. I now anxiously await the new day's geohash each morning so I suspect that I will play for a while. We travel quite a bit and I think it will be interesting to look for reachable geohashes as we do. My wife thinks that this is even sillier than geocaching but that's what you get when you marry someone like me. Maybe someday a Saturday meetup with other geohashers there, or even a reachable globalhash??

Looks like
Geohash Success
- 2019-01-12 31 -106 On the sidewalk in Anthony, TX
- 2019-01-13 32 -106 In the street Sonoma Ranch Blvd. Las Cruces, NM
- 2019-04-06 31 -107 In the desert just north of Columbus New Mexico
Geohash Failure
none to report at this time
mwwilsons earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
mwwilsons earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
<gallery perrow="5"> File:Geohashpoint 1.12.19.jpg|on the button File:2019-01-13 geohash.jpg|off by .001 both ways, dodging traffic, sorry File:Mwwilsons at the geohash 2019-01-13.jpg|standing on the geohash (not for long) File:Writings.jpg | strange desert writings File:Screenshot 2019-04-06-12-46-23.png | at the hash File:0406191250.jpg | gps'r