2020-08-16 31 34

From Geohashing
Sun 16 Aug 2020 in 31,34:
31.8933905, 34.8607645
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


This Geohash is located on a field near Naan.



It was the first summer of the pandemic, when most things were still closed and the kids were bored. And I says to myself I says, wait a minute, wasn't there that thing called geohashing? Maybe I should give the kids an adventure.


So we drove out to the middle of nowhere. On the way #3 (six years old at the time) threw up in the car and we stopped to clean her up and change her; this was right next to a restricted military thing, and the gate guard came out to see why we stopped next to them. When he saw what was going on he very helpfully brought me some paper towels and a plastic bag.

We continued to the field, but only me and #1 and #2 were brave enough to get out of the car. We went to the edge of the field and said... eh... maybe we shouldn't go in here.

Now, with a lot more experience under my belt, I recognize that what we saw then was a field that had already been harvested, and we could have easily walked straight to the point. But back then we didn't recognize different states of farmland.