
From Geohashing
Lol-asg.png 39 / xy / 39,-84

Cincinnati Area Geohasher

  • I have attempted to attend every Saturday geohash in in the Cincinnati, Ohio Graticule since Geohashing began, although I was not always on time.
  • I was an attempted coordinator for the (failed) Military Geohash on Saturday, June 14th. Better luck next time, perhaps. (After this occurred, I found two contacts who should be able to help us gain entry to the Wright Patterson Air Force Base for future Geohashes.)

Contact Info

  • Email: chris.xanadu.rex(at)
  • Phone: (513) 604-5812


This user earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (39, -84) geohash on 2008-05-24.
Cincinnati puerto rico.jpg