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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:44, 21 June 2020 2020-06-21 60 27 Artanicus 1592754281638.jpg (file) 204 KB Close but failure. Last 100 meters inside pasture which is as good as a trespass. Category:Meetup on 2020-06-21 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
11:22, 4 June 2020 2020-06-04 60 26 Artanicus 1591269746510.jpg (file) 179 KB At the point, view from the top of the waterfall Category:Meetup on 2020-06-04 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
11:20, 4 June 2020 2020-06-04 60 26 Artanicus 1591269626143.jpg (file) 65 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-06-04 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
11:18, 4 June 2020 2020-06-04 60 26 Artanicus 1591269512849.jpg (file) 196 KB Exact point pretty much at the top of the waterfall in Karhula River Park Category:Meetup on 2020-06-04 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
11:14, 4 June 2020 2020-06-04 60 26 Artanicus 1591269294732.jpg (file) 119 KB Landmark right next to point Category:Meetup on 2020-06-04 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
13:07, 3 June 2020 2020-06-03 60 27 Artanicus 1591189661201.jpg (file) 262 KB Yet more industrial forest, long straight pine. Probably some 10 years to harvest and they'll become telephone poles and flagpoles. Category:Meetup on 2020-06-03 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
13:06, 3 June 2020 2020-06-03 60 27 Artanicus 1591189590040.jpg (file) 63 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-06-03 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:58, 3 June 2020 2020-06-03 60 27 Artanicus 1591189118658.jpg (file) 86 KB Not a bad walk from viable parking Category:Meetup on 2020-06-03 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:27, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591014426717.jpg (file) 231 KB At the point, the newer side of the industrial forest. Behind it s very tightly packed area of spruce. Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:25, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591014336826.jpg (file) 233 KB At the point, the older side if the industrial forest Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:23, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591014228669.jpg (file) 71 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:15, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591013728836.jpg (file) 228 KB Rest of the way at first at least road-ish, but not drivable. Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:13, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591013588126.jpg (file) 221 KB The road was quite small though Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
12:12, 1 June 2020 2020-06-01 60 27 Artanicus 1591013532529.jpg (file) 146 KB Surprisingly close by car Category:Meetup on 2020-06-01 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
17:25, 28 May 2020 2020-05-28 60 27 Artanicus 1590686738447.jpg (file) 261 KB At the point, blueberry patch. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-28 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
17:24, 28 May 2020 2020-05-28 60 27 Artanicus 1590686683269.jpg (file) 70 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-05-28 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
08:26, 9 May 2020 2020-05-09 60 27 Artanicus 1589012807770.jpg (file) 258 KB Plenty of lingonberry on the way. Some of it looks a bit older, probably because the winter was so mild. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-09 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
08:23, 9 May 2020 2020-05-09 60 27 Artanicus 1589012625704.jpg (file) 239 KB Soft forest is best forest. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-09 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
08:23, 9 May 2020 2020-05-09 60 27 Artanicus 1589012588838.jpg (file) 249 KB A somewhat natural state forest this time, very soft and easy to walk in. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-09 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
08:22, 9 May 2020 2020-05-09 60 27 Artanicus 1589012519710.jpg (file) 71 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-05-09 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
16:23, 3 May 2020 2020-05-03 60 26 Artanicus 1588523002762.jpg (file) 193 KB Or yes, barely within 15 meters on the other side of the ditch. Victory pose included. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-03 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
16:21, 3 May 2020 2020-05-03 60 26 Artanicus 1588522899199.jpg (file) 152 KB 18 meters that way, but trampling the field is a no-go. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-03 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
16:20, 3 May 2020 2020-05-03 60 26 Artanicus 1588522798888.jpg (file) 73 KB So close but not close enough. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-03 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
13:40, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 27 Artanicus 1588426847189.jpg (file) 215 KB Dry pine forest right next to the freeway. Surprisingly hard to find a route to but easy once you find the right bridge, visible in the background. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
13:38, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 27 Artanicus 1588426707791.jpg (file) 61 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
11:02, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 26 Artanicus 1588417338617.jpg (file) 232 KB Thankful this time we didn't need to cross any ditches. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
10:51, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 26 Artanicus 1588416659483.jpg (file) 241 KB At the point, yet more industrial forest. The ferns Look funny because last winter had so little if any snow. Also possibly a sleeping place for a moose. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
10:48, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 26 Artanicus 1588416493181.jpg (file) 91 KB At the point Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
10:30, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 26 Artanicus 1588415432479.jpg (file) 226 KB Not that I'd even attempt driving on it. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
10:29, 2 May 2020 2020-05-02 60 26 Artanicus 1588415343609.jpg (file) 214 KB You shall not pass.. with a vehicle. Category:Meetup on 2020-05-02 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
17:44, 29 April 2020 2020-04-29 60 27 Artanicus 1588182259695.jpg (file) 216 KB Happy to have found a path that makes the hill way easier to cross on the way back. Category:Meetup on 2020-04-29 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
17:36, 29 April 2020 2020-04-29 60 27 Artanicus 1588181753345.jpg (file) 189 KB At the spot! Dry-ish swamp, but careful navigation required! Category:Meetup on 2020-04-29 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
17:25, 29 April 2020 2020-04-29 60 27 Artanicus 1588181116856.jpg (file) 194 KB Forest turns to swamp, is this the end of the attempt? Category:Meetup on 2020-04-29 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
17:47, 25 April 2020 2020-04-25 60 26 Artanicus 1587836870771.jpg (file) 208 KB More industrial forestry but a very nice place to sit a while. Category:Meetup on 2020-04-25 Category:Meetup in 60 26 1
16:03, 24 April 2020 2020-04-24 60 27 Artanicus 1587744202115.jpg (file) 241 KB More industrial forest, an area left to rot, probably on purpose. Category:Meetup on 2020-04-24 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1
11:27, 22 April 2020 2020-04-22 60 27 Artanicus 1587554834229.jpg (file) 219 KB N�si� plant at the target. Industrial forest on a sunny spring day. Category:Meetup on 2020-04-22 Category:Meetup in 60 27 1