2011-03-06 32 -81
Sun 6 Mar 2011 in Savannah, Georgia: 32.0356622, -81.0063962 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
Right near the foot of a water tower next to a police station and primary school.
For the second year in a row, Mark found himself daily checking the hash coordinates while on vacation, visiting his grandparents' winter spot in Georgia. Ignoring the possibility of a late night run to Saturday's hash on the edge of a golf course a few miles away, for being tired and not wanting to land himself in jail on the first day of visiting family, he looked eagerly upon the good fortune of Sunday's accessible hashpoint 90 miles away. And the fortune of having made plans to visit distant family a few miles from that hashpoint on Sunday.
After a Sunday-morning visit to church, and lunch at the Waffle House, Mark, his cousin, and their grandparents hit the road for Savannah. An hour and a half or so later, they found themselves entering Savannah, Mark driving, though having very little knowledge of Savannah; and everyone else just letting him go where the GPS said, whether they knew better or not.
After one wrong turn, and a good drive, they reached the foot of the water tower, a one-lane service road right next to the police station. Mark and his cousin ran out for a quick visit to the correct coordinates, conveniently in a small clearly in the trees, took photos, and got out of there before any police could show up.
Mark earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
Mark earned the Drag-along achievement