The hash lies at an edge of a forest above Höxter.
I wanted to hitchhike to Höxter, for doing some special things, and returning home. Due to the early darkness I didn't want a xkcd-meetup, because with a later return it seemed to me, that I could nor reach Kassel in time.
I left home at 10:20, took the tram 3 and the bus 100 to Espenau-Schäferberg. From there I started to hitchhike. After 15 minutes I got a lift direct to Bad Karlshafen.
Some views of the national road B83.
I arrived at 13:10 at Höxter. Ten minutes later I was 860 meters away from the hash.
While coming nearer to the hash I notice a picnic site and I wondered, how far the hash would be from this site. At least it was 44 meters away.
At first I thought the hash seemed up in the forest. I followed a hiking path, but I could arrive only to nine meters.
So I walked back, around the place, across the meadows and I arrived at the hash.
Afterwards I walked back to the picnic site and took a small meal.
View from the picnic site to Höxter.
Just at the moment when I started to return, it began to rain. So I didn't care of the target of the first car and I arrived at a wrong place. So I needed to the hash 3 1/2 hours and for the way home I needed 6 hours. I arrived at a parking site of the motorway with this view to Kassel.