The hash lay in a forest west of Adelebsen.
Hitchhiking and walking.
I left home at 10:30, started to hitchhike at 11:30 and after a half hour I got a lift to Göttingen. Along the state road to Adelebsen I needed three cars to reach the village. I arrived there at 13:45. From the first place I had a first view to the castle. And I was in the main street of Adelebsen.
I walked outside the village and had a first view to the forest of hash. I didn't search for a direct way and took at first a field way uphill. From the top of the way I had a good view to the castle.
I walked along the fields and into the forest and found a shelter. Just at that moment there happened a short rain. I sat on a bench there and waited for some minutes. Then I went further, now along the forest ways. And I found my way. At the beginning it was a muddy way, like all these muddy forest ways, which we love. Of course, we love them more after a good rainfall.
I found the hash. After some minutes of dance I got the zero meter mark.
And I looked around. To the way, where I came from. The way from Adelebsen. Maybe the east. The way to Offensen. Maybe the west.
Uphill. Maybe the north. Downhill. Maybe the south.
To the sky and to the geohasher.
Then I walked the way further. And reached a part of it, where at the beginning grew small trees, later there were bigger trees on the way. Left of the way was a steep down, right of the way was a steep up. In the midth there was a two meters wide tractor lane, but the way was nearly unpassable. If you had come from the other side, would you have taken this way?
From the geocaching web site I got the information about an old church (ruin) at the state road. I wanted to hitchhike home from that place, but the road was narrow and the traffic very fast. I decided not to hitchhike at this place, so I walked three kilometers along the other side of the valley. And from there I had a view to the hash from the opposite of the hill.