2018-09-03 28 -81
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Mon 3 Sep 2018 in Eustis, Florida: 28.8528483, -81.6551390 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
The Plan
Just off East Orange Avenue in Eustis. Take 17 to 19 all the way down.
The Geohashers
The Adventure
After deciding to grab one on the way, I continued on my main objective, which was Eustis. It was a quiet drive down made louder by listening to podcasts, punctuated by sudden downpours. There was a tropical storm off the coast, and while that may sound like cause for concern, tropical storms are just storms that don't have the balls to be hurricanes. (If that sounds particularly blasé, just read it in Zapp Brannigan's voice. It'll still sound blasé, but at least you might've laughed.)
Once I got there, I parked at the Dollar General next door. Funny how that store pops up again after a month in a half. I walked out behind the For Sale sign for the lot in question, did the hash dance, and notched another one. The rain was starting a bit, which I took as a sign to get the umbrella out. Foiled again, Florida!
When I got back into the car, the rain stopped, so I parked at the gas station and went in for a pit stop. That's when six years of taunting the weather finally backfired. The rain came back with a vengeance, and I had a few purchases that I didn't want to spill. After leaving the Queen of Clubs at the convenience store, finishing off the entire deck (!), I waited outside for a small reprieve before running out. Instead of a reprieve, the rain doubled down. I would've continued waiting had an employee not just come out on a smoke break. Any preaching aside, the smell of that particular brand got to me nearly instantaneously, and I decided that getting soaked was a better prospect. The car was about 40 meters/130 feet away, and the first time I've turned the heat on in the car for quite some time.
Needless to say, the rain granted me that reprieve a minute after taking shelter in the car again.
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Geoff earned the Multihash Achievement