2018-10-31 29 -83
Wed 31 Oct 2018 in Cross City, Florida: 29.6161381, -83.0908480 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
The Plan
Between US-19 and the Dixie County Memorial Cemetery. Not too far off the road.
The Geohashers
The Adventure
After Hawthorne, I got back on the road. This was the one I was excited to do; I can't remember the last time I saw something in the Cross City graticule that was actually reachable. The drive was largely uneventful, though I still had a small smile upon realizing I was back on US-19. About ten miles from the point, I crossed the Suwanee River and made a note to come back and take pictures.
Now for the slight confession. With one exception, I have never told anyone I met while hashing about geohashing, always pretending to be there for another reason. The largest reason is because I rarely run into people, and when I do, I tend to be further from cities and towns. The last thing I want is to confuse someone by talking about the internet and stock prices and be chased off with a gun, a very real possibility if you're perceived to be trespassing. So, just like the previous hash, as soon as I got the GPS right with screenshots and pictures, that's when the dog started barking.
And that's when the other six dogs started barking.
The person came out with a very accusatory "Can I help you?" To be fair, a stranger coming out of nowhere, stopping near your house, then walking around is cause for concern when you live pretty far out. Thankfully, the GPS gave me my lifeline as I was turning into the area named Cemetery Road. I said I was trying to get my connection to double-check directions, did I pass the cemetery or just not get there yet? I'm pretty sure that didn't pass muster, but if nothing else, being unfailingly polite did, and I promptly got back in the car and followed her directions, which doubled as a way to get out of the area. One day, I'll be honest about my intentions and motives, but today had no sign of being it.
On the way back, as noted, I stopped by Fort Fanning State Park and Fanning Springs State Park to take some pictures of the bend in Suwanee River. I left the Four of Clubs at the first state park.
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Geoff earned the Multihash Achievement
Geoff earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement