2020-10-20 45 5

From Geohashing
Tue 20 Oct 2020 in 45,5:
45.6347122, 5.1511785
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In the woods in La Verpillière.



I took the train at Lyon-Jean-Macé and arrived in La Verpillière shortly before 14:30.

The geohash was located in the woods just behind the gendarmerie brigade. I considered ringing at the door and asking for the permission to cross the premises but my better judgment decided against it.

Instead, I took a pathway around the woods to access the coordinates from the opposite direction. A narrow creek flowed between the path and the woods. Conveniently, a couple of stair steps and a few rocks provided me with a mean to cross while keeping my feet dry.

I reached the coordinates at 15:00, recorded proof then went back towards the train station taking the same route I had walked on my way in, which led me back in front of the gendarmerie brigade.

As I was walking by, two gendarmes came out and asked me to answer a few questions. They were curious to know why I was circling around the place and had previously photographed the building. After showing my ID and explaining what geohashing is, I was allowed to go with a simple advice against doing suspicious stuff like this in the current context.

A nearby newsagent's shop was selling postcards, to my utter surprise (I don't want to diss the town, but who comes to La Verpillière and decides to buy a postcard?![1]). Someone may receive a Hashcard in the near future.



Baarde earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (45, 5) geohash on 2020-10-20.
Baarde earned the Police Geohash Achievement
by being stopped after photographing a gendarmerie brigade while attempting the (45, 5) geohash on 2020-10-20.
Baarde earned the Hashcard achievement
by sending a postcard of the hashpoint area to Fippe on the (45, 5) expedition on 2020-10-20.
2020-10-20 45 5 12.jpg
  1. Jump up Except for crazy people like me