
From Geohashing


All locations: .9243995, .8580770
Globalhash: 76.391906168421,128.907712483550

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Expeditions and Plans

Buffalo, New York Pedalpusher, J Forest Lawn Cemetery
Springfield, Oregon Michael5000 On State Street in the countryside east of Salem.
Eugene, Oregon Michael5000 In the woods east of Lincoln City.
Portland, Oregon Michael5000 In the woods northwest of Columbia City.
McMinnville, Oregon Michael5000 In the woods north of Klootchy Creek County Park.
Mannheim, Germany GeorgDerReisende The hash lay in the Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße in Münster in Hesse.
Rheine, Germany Fippe located in a forest in Markhausen.
Hamburg (West), Germany π π π in a hedge wall right next to a road in Hitzhusen, Schleswig-Holstein

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