New Richmond, Québec | Gaspé, Québec | Gulf of Saint Lawrence |
Bathurst | Caraquet | Seacow Pond, Prince Edward Island |
Harcourt | Moncton | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Today's location: not yet announced |
The Caraquet graticule is at latitude 47, longitude -64. Mostly an ocean graticule, it contains most of the eastern part of the Acadien pennisula, Baie-Ste-Anne and Escuminac point, as well as pieces of Norway and Seacow Pond, Prince Edward Island.
This New Brunswick area is generally French-speaking, though most inhabitants can coverse in English, with the small Island section totally English. Caraquet, Shippagan, Lamèque, Tracadie-Sheila are small towns, with most of the rest of the graticule very rural.
No graticules have been attempted in this graticule to date.
None known.