Calgary SE | Vauxhall | Brooks |
Pincher Creek | Lethbridge | Bow Island |
Browning, Montana | Cut Bank, Montana | Shelby, Montana |
Today's location: not yet announced |
This graticule is located at (49, -112), and includes the city of Lethbridge, as well as many neighboring communities such as Taber, Raymond, Magrath, and many more. The majority of geohashes will end you in the middle of some farmer's field, but there will be the odd scenic adventure. Be prepared for much driving on gravel roads in the back 40.
- Elbie -- when I'm visiting my parents.
- Shell--New at this, not sure how much geohashing will be done, but I'm also out to investigate the Lethy graticule.
- Elbie's Dad
- Falcon Darkstar -- ...And yes that is my real first name. When I am not horribly busy some evening, I fully intend to come out.
- 2009-08-03 49 -112, first known expedition, on a farm in Warner County
- 2009-09-26 49 -112, in front of somebody's house on the North Side