MediaWiki Implementation
Note: Version 1.01 of geohashes.php is currently installed on this wiki, as well as Variables.php.
A MediaWiki extension to allow us to handle Geohashes a little nicer and more automatically. Any questions to the talk page here, although I would appreciate a poke on my talk page also.
Note that the whole algorithm is not fully implemented, because those on IRC said that templates could do the rest.
--Edgemaster 21:39, 23 May 2008 (UTC)
- Drop the code below into mediawiki/extensions/geohashes.php
- Add the following to mediawiki/LocalSettings.php:
require_once "$IP/extensions/geohashes.php";
- Check Special:Version to confirm installation
The Code
Feel free to tidy it up, poke an admin if you feel your changes are worthy to be deployed on this wiki.
<?php $wgExtensionCredits[$type][] = array( 'name' => "Geohashing MediaWiki Parser Functions", 'description' => "Adds {{#md5}} and {{#dow}} handlers", 'descriptionmsg' => "", 'version' => "1.01", 'author' => "Edgemaster (", 'url' => "" ); $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'geohashingFunction_Setup'; $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'geohashingFunction_Magic'; function geohashingFunction_Setup() { global $wgParser; $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'md5', 'geohashingMd5Function_Render' ); $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'dow', 'geohashingDowFunction_Render' ); } function geohashingFunction_Magic( &$magicWords, $langCode ) { $magicWords['md5'] = array( 0, 'md5' ); $magicWords['dow'] = array( 0, 'dow' ); return true; } function geohashingMd5Function_Render( &$parser, $src = '', $half = 0, $decimal = 0) { $md5 = md5(trim($src)); if(!$half) return $md5; $md5 = substr($md5, ($half-1)*16, 15); if(!$decimal) return $md5; $dec = hexdec($md5) / pow(16,15); return $dec; } function geohashingDowFunction_Render( &$parser, $Y = 0, $m = 0, $d = 0) { foreach(array('Y', 'm', 'd') as $var) { $$var = intval($$var); if($$var < 10) $$var = '0' . $$var; if(!intval($$var)) $$var = date($var); } return trim(@file_get_contents("$Y/$m/$d")); // file_get_contents returns nothing on http error, we hide the warning from php } ?>
- v1.01 - 1 Jul 2008 Passing all 16 hex-characters of a half-hash causes PHP to misinterpret sign when decimalising, so instead we only pass the first 15... besides, that still gives microscopic accuracy (~100 femtometres). Hence the fifteens shown in lines 30 and 33 above. --Tim P 19:13, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
In-wiki Usage
This extension adds two new parser functions: {{#md5}} and {{#dow}}.
md5s a string, optionally splitting into halves and decimalising.
- string: the string to md5
- halve: (optional) splits the hash into two, as required by The Algorithm. 0 = do not halve, 1 = first half, 2 = 2nd half. Defaults to 0. If halve!=0, only the first 15 hex digits of the corresponding half are returned.
- decimal: (optional) converts the half to decimal if set. Defaults to 0, requires halve to be set to 1 or 2!
Template code | Expected output | Template output |
{{#md5:testing testing!}} |
f9da4c546dff04d46e1fab3ca0456b42 | f9da4c546dff04d46e1fab3ca0456b42 |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68}} |
db9318c2259923d08b672cb305440f97 | db9318c2259923d08b672cb305440f97 |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68|0}} |
db9318c2259923d08b672cb305440f97 | db9318c2259923d08b672cb305440f97 |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68|1}} |
db9318c2259923d | db9318c2259923d |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68|2}} |
8b672cb305440f9 | 8b672cb305440f9 |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68|1|1}} |
0.857713267707 | 0.857713267707 |
{{#md5:2005-05-26-10458.68|2|1}} |
0.54454306955928 | 0.54454306955928 |
Fetches the opening Dow Index for a date from the service.
- year: 4 digit year
- month: month (1 or 2 digits are acceptable)
- day: day (1 or 2 digits are acceptable)
The only validation done is to check the values are non-null. If any of the 3 are null (or all of the 3), then today's date will be used instead. (Always requires the colon to produce a result)
Template code | Expected output | Template output |
{{#dow:}} |
Dow opening for today, if available (past 09:30 ET) | 41772.91 |
{{#dow:2005|05|26}} |
10458.68 | 10458.68 |
{{#dow:1854|05|26}} |
fails (no data) | |
{{#dow}} |
fails (bad syntax) | {{#dow}} |
Variables Extension too plz
Copy this into a file called $mediwikipath/extensions/Variables/Variables.php:
<?php if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) { die( 'This file is a MediaWiki extension, it is not a valid entry point' ); } $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSetupVariables'; $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'name' => 'Variables', 'url' => '', 'author' => 'Rob Adams', 'description' => 'Define page-scoped variables' ); $wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'wfVariablesLanguageGetMagic'; class ExtVariables { var $mVariables; function vardefine( &$parser, $expr = '', $value = '' ) { $this->mVariables[$expr] = $value; return ''; } function varf( &$parser, $expr = '' ) { return $this->mVariables[$expr]; } } function wfSetupVariables() { global $wgParser, $wgMessageCache, $wgExtVariables, $wgMessageCache, $wgHooks; $wgExtVariables = new ExtVariables; $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'vardefine', array( &$wgExtVariables, 'vardefine' ) ); $wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'var', array( &$wgExtVariables, 'varf' ) ); } function wfVariablesLanguageGetMagic( &$magicWords, $langCode = 0 ) { require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Variables.i18n.php' ); foreach( efVariablesWords( $langCode ) as $word => $trans ) $magicWords[$word] = $trans; return true; }
Copy this into a file called $mediwikipath/extensions/Variables/Variables.i18n.php:
<?php /** * Get translated magic words, if available * * @param string $lang Language code * @return array */ function efVariablesWords( $lang ) { $words = array(); /** * English */ $words['en'] = array( 'var' => array( 0, 'var' ), 'vardefine' => array( 0, 'vardefine' ), ); # English is used as a fallback, and the English synonyms are # used if a translation has not been provided for a given word return ( $lang == 'en' || !isset( $words[$lang] ) ) ? $words['en'] : array_merge( $words['en'], $words[$lang] ); }
Then add
require_once( "$IP/extensions/Variables/Variables.php" );
to the end of LocalSettings.php.