Salinas, California

From Geohashing
San Francisco San Jose Merced
Santa Cruz Salinas Madera
35,-122 Cambria San Luis Obispo

Today's location: not yet announced

Today's Location: [Salinas, CA]

The Salinas, California graticule is at latitude 36, longitude -121. It includes the cities of Salinas, Monterey, Carmel, Watsonville and Hollister. It also encompasses the Big Sur region along Highway 1, and most of Los Padres National Forest.

At the risk of oversimplifying things, most of the landscape in this graticule is farmland: large commercial farms. US Highway 101 (which is mostly faithful to the El Camino Real) runs through the graticule, while California Highway 1 follows the coast.


Graticule unlocked.png
Quertior earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (36, -121) graticule, here, on 2010-07-17.


  • adambb - Located in Santa Clara, usually only make it as far south as Monterey
  • Quertior - I actually live in Santa Cruz, but my house is just outside of the Santa Cruz graticule. So here I am. This graticule has more land anyway.
  • Montoki - Located in Monterey, up for meetups.
  • Spaceboy - Located in Aptos