I'm Brandon. I'm a journalism student in Chicago, from Ohio originally. (The Wilmington, Ohio graticule.) For a personal profile, friend me on Facebook with "geohashing" or "xkcd" as an accompanying message. My blog's at; professional stuff's at
I'm a newbie hasher. OK, as a matter of fact, as I write this I haven't hashed before. I hope to start soon, maybe this Saturday. I'd use public transit, bike and walking exclusively, because I sold my car when I came here. I live near the Clark and Division red line stop, which puts me in the 41, -87 graticule.
If any points fall in the lake, i'll be moving the coordinate horizontally to the land in these cases. Find me either on the beach itself or on the lakefront trail. Give me a call at 740-505-0038 if the map says I've confirmed showing up.
Find me on the irc channels #geohashing, #xkcd-love and #xkcd-signal as Typewriter.
[hide]"Near Future" exploits
- Text
"Eventually" exploits
- Text
Geohashing Equipment
- Road bike in working order
- Camera phone
Wanted Equipment
- Cold-weather bike clothes
- iPhone or Android phone
- Mountain bike
The rest of this profile is a copy-paste of Robyn's profile, as filler text. I hope to expand to such depth.
- Hashes Attempted:
- Hashes Achieved:
- Retrohashes:
- Centurion-eligible Saturday Meetups:
- Geohashers met:
- Continents geohashed:
Things that have thwarted me
Never turn down a chance to geohash.
All Geohashes Attempted
Most recent are listed first. Single horizontal lines every ten missions, and double lines every fifty, to facilitate counting. Bold numbers are the success count and bold words indicate an award or consolation prize taken for that attempt. When I get to 100 I'll move them to their own page.
I've followed another geohasher's idea to count a geohash "successful" if I:
- (a) get to within the accuracy figure of the coordinates as shown by my GPS,
- (b) have the GPS show a distance remaining of zero, or
- (c) get to where it is obvious I could reach the geohash, but refrain from trampling crops,
Geohashers Met
These are the ribbons I have earned.