Difference between revisions of "User:Geekthras"

From Geohashing
(shit reformatting as soon as I can figure this out :()
(16 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Woo woo! I is here!
Woo woo! I is here!
Yeah, no car = fail. I'll get there whenever possible, but that's not very often - if it's within maybe 10-15 miles of my house I'll bike. I made a script which tells me approximate distance in miles and opens up a google maps map googles. Erm.
In the Boston Graticuzzle!
Yeah, no car = fail. I'll get there whenever possible, but that's not very often - if it's within maybe 10-15 miles of my house I'll bike, or sometimes take the T. I made a script which tells me approximate distance in miles (Annoying: Given long and lat of two points on a globe, find the surface distance.) and opens up google maps
I'll try to bring Apples to Apples, Blokus, Unspeakable words, laptop, and lots of magnets.
import datetime
import md5
def hexdec(s) :
    fract = 1/16.0
    z = "0123456789abcdef"
    return sum(z.index(s[i])/(16.0**(i+1))for i in xrange(len(s)))
def run(dow, date="", d = ""):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if d != "" :
{{land geohash
        now = d
| latitude = 42
    year = str(now.year)
| longitude = -71
    month = str(now.month)
| date = 2008-06-07
    day = str(now.day)
| name = Geekthras
    if len(day) == 1 :
| image =  
        day = "0" +day
    if len(month) == 1 :
{{Speed racer
        month = "0" + month
| latitude = 42  
    if date != "" :
| longitude = -71  
        year = date.split("-")[0]
| date = 2008-06-07
        month = date.split("-")[1]
| name = Geekthras
        day = date.split("-")[2]
| image =  
    string = "-".join([year, month, day,str(dow).replace(',',' ')])
    m = md5.md5(string).hexdigest()
    offset =(hexdec(m[:16]), hexdec(m[16:]))
    wkday = now.weekday()
    if wkday == 4 :
        r = run(dow, d=now+datetime.timedelta(1))
        print dist(r, (42.CENSORTED,-71.CENSORTED)), r
    webbrowser.open_new_tab(geturl((42.CENSORTED,-71.CENSORTED),(42+offset[0], 0-(71+offset[1]))))
    return (42+offset[0], 0-(71+offset[1]))
def geturl(s,e) :
    return "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=" + str(s[0]) + ","+ str(s[1]) + "&saddr=" + str(s[0]) + " ,+-" + str(abs(s[1])) + "&daddr=" + str(e[0]) + ",+-" + str(abs(e[1])) + "&mra=mr&mrcr=0&dirflg=h&sll=" + str((s[0]+e[0])/2) + "," + str((s[1]+e[1])/2) + "&ie=UTF8&z=10"
import socket
import urllib
==Status on Geohashes==
s = urllib.urlopen("http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/")
q = s.read()
import re
Reached: '''1'''
import math
import webbrowser
Saturdays: '''1'''
a  = run(re.findall(".*?Open.*?([0-9\.,]+).*", q)[0].replace(',',''))
def dist(z, me) :
    dy = 26000*(z[0] - me[0])/360
    r = 26000*math.cos(math.radians(me[0]))
    dx = r*(z[1]-me[1])/360
    return ((dx**2)+(dy**2))**0.5
print dist(a, b), a
print geturl(b, a)

Latest revision as of 23:27, 9 May 2009

Woo woo! I is here! In the Boston Graticuzzle! Yeah, no car = fail. I'll get there whenever possible, but that's not very often - if it's within maybe 10-15 miles of my house I'll bike, or sometimes take the T. I made a script which tells me approximate distance in miles (Annoying: Given long and lat of two points on a globe, find the surface distance.) and opens up google maps

I'll try to bring Apples to Apples, Blokus, Unspeakable words, laptop, and lots of magnets.


Geekthras earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (42, -71) geohash on 2008-06-07.
Geekthras earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (42, -71) geohash on 2008-06-07 at the maximum legal speed.

Status on Geohashes


Reached: 1

Saturdays: 1