Public transport probability
This program uses OpenStreetMap data to calculate the chance of a hashpoint lying within X kilometres of a train station or bus stop.
First, get the OpenStreetMap extract for your graticule (replace 52,13 below with your own graticule).
$ wget '[bbox=13,52,14,53][railway=station|stop|halt|tram_stop]' $ wget '[bbox=13,52,14,53][highway=bus_stop]'
The first command retrieves all stations and on-request halts. Usually it includes surface rail, underground services and trams. The second retrieves all bus stops.
Next, create a PHP file with the code below, editing the first few lines as appropriate. Run it to create an image file and to output the probabilities. For the first run, I suggest making the $distance very small so you can check whether the OSM data looks complete.
NB: Untested on negative graticules, let me know if you have problems!
For the Berlin, Germany (52,13) graticule:
david@netman1:~/geohashing/berlin$ php process.php Graticule size: E-W: 67.6534534537 km, N-S: 111.13296 km Image resolution: 608, 1000 5km ellipse is: 89.8697655422, 89.9823058794 Total pixels: 608000 Train pixels: 417707 Bus pixels: 79080 Chance of train within 5km: 68.70% Chance of train or bus within 5km; 81.71%
<?php /* -*- C++ -*- */ // Calculates the probability of a hashpoint landing within X km of public transport // See // // by David Croft, // no copyright, released into the public domain // Your downloaded OSM files $bus_file = 'node[bbox=13,52,14,53][highway=bus_stop]'; $train_file = 'node[bbox=13,52,14,53][railway=station|stop|halt|tram_stop]'; // Output image file $outfile = 'out.gif'; // Your graticule $lat_min = 52; // n/s $lon_min = 13; // e/w // Distance to search in kilometres. $distance = 2; // You shouldn't need to edit anything below this line. // Top right of the graticule $lat_max = $lat_min + 1; $lon_max = $lon_min + 1; // Centre of the graticule. $lat_centre = ($lat_min + $lat_max) / 2; $lon_centre = ($lon_min + $lon_max) / 2; // Spans (normally 1 unless you edit above) $lat_span = $lat_max - $lat_min; $lon_span = $lon_max - $lon_min; // Graticule is rectangular using Mercator projection. // All graticules are the same height. $yres = 1000; // <ekorren> north-south is always 60*1.852216 (because that's how the nautical mile is defined) $ns_km = 60*1.852216; // <ekorren> east-west is 39940.638 / 360 * cos($lat / 180 * 3.1415926) km //$ew_km = 39940.638 / 360 * cos(deg2rad($lat_centre / 180 * M_PI)); // Wikipedia formula: $ew_km = (M_PI / 180) * cos(deg2rad($lat_centre)) * 6367.449; echo "Graticule size: E-W: $ew_km km, N-S: $ns_km km\n"; $xres = (int)($yres * ($ew_km/$ns_km)); echo "Image resolution: $xres, $yres\n"; // Now, what is $distance at this latitude? $ellipse_x = 2 * $xres * $distance / $ew_km; $ellipse_y = 2 * $yres * $distance / $ns_km; echo "${distance}km ellipse is: $ellipse_x, $ellipse_y\n"; // Create image and allocate colours $img = ImageCreate($xres, $yres) or die(); $bg_col = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255,255,255); $bus_col = ImageColorAllocate($img, 128, 128, 255); $train_col = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 0, 0); // Draw buses, then draw trains on top draw_points($img, $bus_file, $bus_col); draw_points($img, $train_file, $train_col); // Output image ImageGIF($img, $outfile); // Now count pixels // TODO adjust the weight of a pixel depending on its latitude (above the equator, higher // pixels should have less effect on % because the physical width is less). $total_pixels = $xres * $yres; $train_pixels = 0; $bus_pixels = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < $xres; ++$x) { for ($y = 0; $y < $yres; ++$y) { $col = ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y); if ($col == $train_col) $train_pixels ++; else if ($col == $bus_col) $bus_pixels ++; } } echo "Total pixels: $total_pixels\n"; echo "Train pixels: $train_pixels\n"; echo "Bus pixels: $bus_pixels\n"; echo "Chance of train within ${distance}km: " . number_format(100 * $train_pixels / $total_pixels, 2) . "%\n"; echo "Chance of train or bus within ${distance}km; " . number_format(100 * ($train_pixels + $bus_pixels) / $total_pixels, 2) . "%\n"; exit; function draw_points($img, $file, $col) { global $lon_min, $lon_span; global $lat_min, $lat_span; global $xres, $yres; global $ellipse_x, $ellipse_y; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($file) or die(); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $nodes = $xpath->query('/osm/node'); for ($i=0; $i<$nodes->length; ++$i) { $node = $nodes->item($i); $lat = $node->getAttribute('lat'); $lon = $node->getAttribute('lon'); $x = $xres * (($lon - $lon_min) / $lon_span); $y = $yres - ($yres * (($lat - $lat_min) / $lat_span)); ImageFilledEllipse($img, $x, $y, $ellipse_x, $ellipse_y, $col); } }