The hash lies in Hannover, in the Großer Garten, which is part of the Herrenhäuser Gärten, near the fountain.
Hitchhiking, public transport and walking. May be there at 14:00.
I left home at 9 a.m., started to hitchhike at 10 a.m., got a lift to Göttingen and another one to the petrol station in Hannover-Anderten. There I arrived at 11:45. I made two walks in Kleefeld and in the Südstadt, then I traveled to Herrenhausen. I bought a ticket for the garden.
At first I walked to the hash. I found it at a row of trees, in front of them, one meter in front of the grass.
Proof. The dance needed a while.
Look at me.
Look to the west and look to the east. Or use a mirror.
Look to the north and look to the south.
I knew, that the watergames would start at 3 p.m., so I walked around in the garden and had some investigative looks to all the parts.
the theatre |
the labyrinth |
the sundial (is it time of meetup? — or: no sun, no time)
Then, at 3 p.m., the fountain started. Today was no wind, so I got the ideal form.
Then I walked again through the garden.
one of the swan ponds |
the baroque garden |
the gracht
At last I took a glance to the grotto.