The hash lay on a fieldway near Gehau.
Hitchhiking to the restaurant Rimberg and walking to Gehau.
I left home at 12:10 and started to hitchhike at 13:00. After 30 minutes I got a lift and I arrived at 14:30 at the motorway restaurant Rimberg. Then I took the bridge and walked into the forest.
From the beginning I saw some roadworks and tracks of tractors in the forest. Then I came nearer and nearer to a building site. Two men worked there at a formwork for a retaining wall against the motorway. I passed the site. Then I waited for an excavator, which drove into my direction. There I was called from behind. A man approached. He invited himself as a Mr Müller. He would be the site supervisor. He told me, that the forest way would be a private road to the construction site. And didn't I see the barrier. No, I answered, I didn't see one.
And didn't I see the note, which forbid the passing. No, too, I answered, I didn't see it. I argued, because there were no barriers or notes, this way should understand as public. This talk went back and forth three times. Then Mr Müller said, there was no barrier or note. If they would, every tractor driver had to stop at the barrier, open it, drive through, stop again and close it. But, of course, this way is blocked to the public. As I had passed the site, he forbid me to go back later. (On my way down to the village I didn't see any barrier or note on the way!)
The forest way now climbed down the hill in big serpentines. I had a first view to Gehau, the village where the geohash lay.
Later I heard the velociraptors muching trees. And I saw, that they make a winter stock with fresh food.
Then I walked down to the village, here are 16 meters to hash.
View to the north and to the east.
the west |
the south |
the southeast, Gehau
View to the hash from the valley.
The main street of Gehau. For the way home I started to hitchhike at 16:30 and with two cars I arrived at Kassel at 18:00.