2015-11-08 49 10

From Geohashing
Revision as of 15:16, 14 June 2016 by imported>Sourcerer (Fixed New report status)
Sun 8 Nov 2015 in 49,10:
49.9053471, 10.1586973
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


A wood on a quiet street between Schwanfeld and Obereisenheim.



Being bored I decided to go on a geohashing trip. The geohash (in the neighbouring graticule) was close enough that I felt comfortable going for a try.

After lunch in Würzburg I entered the coordinates in my GPS (on my smartphone) and went off (by car). In the first try, I overshot and drove too far. My GPS didn't simply say "turn around" and instead let me drive to the next village to take strange turns there. Also seems like my GPS doesn't handle off-street coodinates well, because it wanted to send me back and forth in a loop (between the two villages). The street was quite quiet, not many cars going there. In fact, some people were taking a walk there.

Finally I found a place to park my car and walked the rest of the way along a path though the nice autumnal woods. Lots of called yellow-brownish leaves on it. The weather was nice, the sun was about one hour from setting. The phone batteries lasted long enough so I could find the geohash and take a photo.


none, sorry. Phone batteries were quite down already.



uvok earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (49, 10) geohash on 2015-11-08.
2015 11 08 49 10 uvok.jpeg