From Geohashing
Revision as of 00:49, 5 February 2024 by Enjoythecode (talk | contribs)
Hey, this is Sinan! I sometimes geohash with my mom!
on 2022-04-12 59 17 Near Sollentuna, Sweden, in between two roads (no public access)
enjoythecode (talk) earned the No trespassing consolation prize - by almost reaching the (59, 17) geohash on 2022-04-12.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by attempting to reach 20 hashpoints on 2022-04-12 59 17 and is promoted to Level 0 (Expeditions).
on 2022-04-19 59 17 In the parking lot of a hospital in Flemingsberg, Sweden
enjoythecode earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (59, 17) geohash on 2022-04-19.
enjoythecode earned the Public transport geohash achievement - by reaching the (59, 17) geohash on 2022-04-19 via Green Line (19) + Bus 172.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by attempting to reach 21 hashpoints on 2022-04-19 59 17 and is promoted to Level 1 (Expeditions).
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by reaching 20 hashpoints on 2022-04-19 59 17 and is promoted to Level 0 (Coordinates reached).
on 2023-06-08 30 -97 On a public road (Bennedict Lane) within the suburbs of West Austin, TX.
enjoythecode earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-08.
enjoythecode earned the Drag-along achievement - by dragging mother, Ebru to the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-08.
User:enjoythecode earned the Globetrotter achievement - by visiting hashpoints on 2 continents.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by reaching 21 hashpoints on 2023-06-08 30 -97 and is promoted to Level 1 (Coordinates reached).
on 2023-06-16_30_-97 On a public road (Meadowview Lane) within the suburbs of Highland, Austin, TX.
enjoythecode earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-16.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by attempting to reach 22 hashpoints on 2023-06-16 30 -97 and is promoted to Level 2 (Expeditions).
on 2023-06-24_30_-97 Behind a truckers gas stop in Georgetown, Texas, USA.
enjoythecode and ebru earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-24.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by reaching 22 hashpoints on 2023-06-24 30 -97 and is promoted to Level 2 (Coordinates reached).
on 2023-06-30_30_-97 Near a playground in Barton Creek West, Austin, Texas, USA.
enjoythecode and ebru earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-30.
on 2023-07-02_30_-97 30 meters off Webberville Rd in Austin, Texas, USA.
enjoythecode and ebru earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-07-02.
on 2023-07-08_29_-95 On the second-right-most lane marker near Exit 115 on the South-bound Southwest Freeway in Houston, Texas, USA.
enjoythecode and CharacterPrimary earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (29, -95) geohash on 2023-07-08.
enjoythecode earned the Drag-along achievement - by dragging My partner, CharacterPrimary to the (30, -97) geohash on 2023-06-08.
This user earned the Two to the N achievement - by attempting to reach 23 hashpoints on 2023-07-08 29 -95 and is promoted to Level 3 (Expeditions).
on 2024-02-03 59 17 Near San Marcos, Texas, USA.
enjoythecode earned the Land geohash achievement - by reaching the (29, -97) geohash on 2024-02-03.
This user earned the Drag-along achievement
User:enjoythecode earned the Globetrotter achievement
This user earned the Two to the N achievement