
From Geohashing
Revision as of 23:22, 2 June 2008 by imported>Patrick

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Hi! I'm a Denizen of the Providence graticule.

Although I haven't much experience with GPS (just bought a TomTom; I'll be returning it), I've always been interested in maps - both drawing them and viewing them for the statistical cache and artistic achievement they are.

I have also been an xkcd reader since mid-April 2008. I have found Randall's work to strike a chord with me, and have read other webcomics mentioned in his links, particularly Perry Bible Fellowship, Buttercup Festival, and Questionable Content.

I am a college graduate (Rhode Island College, History, 2002), a math geek (800 SAT, 2-time AHSME School winner and 1993 AIME participant), a Kakuro addict, a husband (to Kerry, since 6/17/2000), and a father (to Finnegan, who is currently hospitalized with complications from cystic fibrosis-related surgery). Sorry if that's too much information; it's just what's going on in my world right now. I encourage anyone with the means to donate to; their work has helped my son survive the battle he is going through.

Finnegan's 4th birthday is tomorrow; I doubt I'll be going to any geohashes, unless I can get a Couch Potato at the hospital, as there will be a party there already!

Shameless appeal for your money here!

Feel free to donate a birthday gift at this link [1], or just send some positive mojo our way; this is week 16 in the Intensive Care Unit! Just to give you an idea of how far Finn has come, I present the following pic from his first week, back in February: the wall of meds.

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That said, I find the notion of geocaching a welcome diversion, and a good reason to get off my ass once in a while and go outside!

See you in the graticule, unless it's in the water - I can't risk becoming aquaraptor bait!