2014-02-22 -33 -58

From Geohashing
Revision as of 00:01, 23 June 2015 by imported>Eldin (Add virgin graticule ribbon.)
Sat 22 Feb 2014 in -33,-58:
-33.4407217, -58.6612357
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Near Entre Rios Call Ceibas


  • DrBre


So I get to a hashpoint for the second time, but not in my own graticule. At least it was a Virgin Graticule.

The location is near a town in Entre Rios call Ceibas, 95% of the road was highway.

I pass to the Zarate- BrazoLargo Bridge (a bridge that cross two 700 mts wide arms of Parana River) And I arrive to Ceibas.

Drb 1418.JPG

Drb 1421.JPG

I get to the dirt road, and I begin to realize that there are storm probabilities and the road will became a trap if it start to rain. In some places there is water and mud next to the road.

Drb 1424.JPG

I keep going on slowly (the road is really bad) and I start to see all the animals you can see in the farm: Cows (and bulls) in the middle of the roads, ducks, turkeys (WTF?? this is not normal), goats, sheeps, dogs, horses, chickens. I begin to think that the people who lives there are feeding a velocirraptor, since when I come back there are fewer cows and goats. Need to come back and check this fact.

Drb 1428.JPG

Drb 1429.JPG

Drb 1445.JPG

Drb 1448.JPG

Drb 1451.JPG

I arrive near to the hashpoint and I realize that it´s in the wrong side of the road. You can´t trust Google Earth.

Like the last time, it´s full of mosquitoes, because the hashpoint is in the middle of the wild. The closest I get without traspassing is around 12 mts.

Drb 1430.JPG

Drb 1431.JPG

Then I decide that no person who is not crazy will be in a dirt road, 15 km away from civilization, with a storm ready to go, with a possible velocirraptor around, so I cross the wiring. Thank God I got my heavyduty pants and resistant shoes, because is really wild. Thank god the velocirraptor scares the snakes and spider.

So I get to the hashpoint, at least 0.4mts away from it.I take a picture of me and two panoramic from the hashpoint.

SAM 1440.JPG

Drb 1442.JPG

Drb 1443.JPG

Drb 1444.JPG

I come back with the feeling of the duty accomplish


Total Trip Length: 333.5 Km Highway: 303.5 km Dirt Road: 30 km Walk: 30 m

Time: 4 hours 04 min

Total Cost: 60 USD


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