Harlequin's Dad is former software geek turned manager, happily married husband and father of Harlequin , Redmond resident and beer drinker. He earned the moniker "Zacksdad" in a D&D campaign years ago at the no longer extant Coyote Games store in Redmond (and hence the current moniker). These days he prefers "casual" games like Settlers of Catan, Condotiere, Ticket to Ride and card games like Pinochle, Cribbage, Hearts and Spades. If he's not doing any of those things on a given weekend, you might find him sailing Puget Sound or reading a book.
Lives less than a mile from the 2008-07-03 47 -122 location. Is probably older than you (4th oldest geohasher as of 2008-08-27).
overall stats: 3 attempted, 1 successful, 1 graticule visited, 0 Saturday 4:00 meetups
2008-07-16 47 -122 Harlequin, his buddy Kevin, and I made the trek to Vashon Island. While the Google satelite photo showed ample beach, there was none. We must assume that the photo was taken at a very low tide and our visit was at high tide. The exact point was under about 15 feet of water and about 150 yards offshore - so we got as close as we could. My GPS showed: 47 degrees 27.48 minutes North, 122 degrees 26.43 minutes West, and a distance to the mark of .09 miles. My kingdom for a boat!
2008-07-30 47 -122 Harlequin and I dashed down in the evening to this quiet neighborhood in Tacoma - middle of S. Cushman Ave between S. 35th and S. 36th. By the time we got there it was 9pm and kinda dark, so our pictures just show the map, GPS and coordinates (to be posted when I figure out how). Speed limit was only 25mph, so it made "Speed Racer" really easy! I wasn't able to capture the moment as it would have required holding a GPS, camera and watch, getting them all into the picture with the speedometer, and driving all at the same time.
2008-08-28 47 -122 Couldn't get Harlequin out of bed for a 9am attempt, so went solo. Location appears to be just off NE 6th St. in Sammamish, but it turns out to be a private road with posted signs saying "End of County Road" and "Violators will be prosecuted." Closest approach 0.22 miles from location.
Known Geohashers
Geohashers I've met face to face.
Harlequin (then again, I am his dad)
HarlequinsDad earned the Land geohash achievement
HarlequinsDad earned the Speed racer achievement
HarlequinsDad earned the My kingdom for a boat consolation prize
HarlequinsDad earned the No trespassing consolation prize
Desired Locations
- 36.729137°, -122.17901° in the Santa Cruz, California graticule. It is going to be a tough since the Santa Cruz graticule is over 95% Pacific Ocean and these coordinates are 15 miles from the nearest land (the Monterey peninsula).