2023-06-08 30 -97
Thu 8 Jun 2023 in 30,-97: 30.3103555, -97.7869681 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
On a public road (Bennedict Lane) within the suburbs of West Austin.
enjoythecode (talk) + drag-along Ebru (my mom, a first time geohasher!)
Straightforward: drive there, and then enjoy a few bites at a nearby cafe overlooking Lake Austin :)
First step was to convince my mother to drive me to the geohash, a concept she learned about on our way to this hash :)
Getting there was pretty straightforward, just a simple drive on the 360 (notably, it is the first highway I have seen in my life with traffic lights frequently stopping traffic...).
We got there around 7pm, and we took advantage of the setting sun to take some photos and explore around. Notable finds included: 1. The most sheltered outdoors mailbox that I have seen in my life 2. My first sighting of deers, and not only that, but deers *in a residential area*!
Then, we reaped the rewards of our hard-earned driving by visiting a nearby cafe and having something to eat. The live music was pretty nice, and the free edition of "The Austin Chronicles" is our keepsake from this expedition :)
Made it to this (easily drivable!) geohash, my first in Austin! @30.3104,-97.7870
enjoythecode earned the Land geohash achievement
enjoythecode earned the Drag-along achievement
User:enjoythecode earned the Globetrotter achievement