Strange attractor achievement

From Geohashing
Revision as of 18:41, 20 December 2020 by FippeBot (talk | contribs) (Adding ProposedAchievementsNav)
Strange attractor.jpg

Serendipitous retrohash achievement (perhaps)

Twice this year I have set out on an expedition and on the journey, unplanned and unintended, I finished up at an older hashpoint I had visited and I was NOT aiming for.

This is more than a Déjà vu achievement because it's not just any point, it's a hashpoint and it does not match the Déjà vu rules.

This is a retrohash but at a location with a preexisting report for an expedition making it tricky to document. It would be handy to have a ribbon template for this eventuality which added the appropriate categories and links without breaking the original expedition report. On the retrohash page, it should allow multiple ribbons with different dates and coordinates in case this happened more than once.

I'd suggest ...

  • An approximate ten metre distance rule for this to count (a good story beats an exact measurement).
  • You must not have planned or aimed for the retrohash. (If you did, it's just a normal retro expedition.)
  • For hashpoints which, by chance, you'd pass almost every day, you can only claim the first one.
  • You can only claim for your own expedition hashpoints, not every retrohash in history.
  • You can claim if you reach a hashpoint which you failed to reach earlier. Perhaps the lake froze over so now you accidentally got there.

Possible ribbon wording ...

The ribbon should add these categories. Meanwhile they can be added to a normal expedition by editing the expedition page.

Category:Retro meetup‏‎
and either
Category:Retro coordinates reached‏‎
Category:Retro coordinates not reached‏‎ Template:ProposedAchievementsNav