2025-02-23 -37 145
Sun 23 Feb 2025 in -37,145: -37.7522411, 145.0031346 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
Expedition 1 (8:53am):
Expedition 2 (9:22am):
Expedition 3 (10:20am):
Expedition 4 (3:47pm):
- Joel
- Kate
Expedition 5 (4:10pm):
Expedition 6 (4:48pm):
Expedition 7 (5:58pm):
- Judecycling
- Astrid
Expedition 1 (Steve and KT, by Steve)
A convenient ALDI carpark, just a few kilometres from my house. But I'm not at my house. I'm at KT's house. I'm not even myself. I'm still Oliver Steed: "actor, raconteur and hell-raiser", a character from the 1960s themed murder mystery night we attended last night.
A cataclysmic transition is about to change place, as I hurtle forward in time, northwest in geography, and play host to a board game day happening at my house in just over an hour. The event was hastily reconvened yesterday evening from near-cancellation with a flurry of last-minute RSVPs. I can't blame people. I'm a terrible last-minute RSVP'er myself.
But to make this transition work, I do need to buy a couple of snacks. I hear they sell them at ALDI. An appallingly obvious plan presents itself. KT is on board, though she needs to get packing for a weekend camping at the beach.
It's a straightforward drive up Brunswick St and onto St Georges Road. On a quiet Sunday morning, the 30kph and 40kph speed limits are perhaps a little excessive, but it does make for a relaxing drive.
Out of nowhere, we are struck by a raging KT hunger. She offered me a banana for breakfast and forgot to have one herself and is now paying the price. Perhaps ALDI will be able to help?
We accidentally drive through the point while looking to park. To make extra sure, we wander around a bit, although on my phone there's a bit of a disconnect between the aerial imagery and the GPS.
Board game snacks are swiftly acquired inside, but nothing is appealing to KT. So we drive past a few bakeries before remembering to stop, and eventually a croissant from a Vietnamese bakery does the trick. Whew.
Expedition 2 (Alex)
Alex went along to the hash in the morning on his large electric cargo bike. More details to come!
Expedition 3 (Felix)
I rode out in the morning while my partner and little kid were out for a walk. I took my road bike so I'd be faster. It was easy to reach the point so I decided to get some 'squaredinos' in Squadrats on my way home. The whole trip took just about one hour.
This tracklog includes a section of diagonal lines that is unrealistic for this part of Melbourne.
Expedition 4 (Joel and Kate)
Joel and Kate also joined in on this expedition. Joel had trouble accepting the Gchat invitation, so they had to experience all the other expeditions via screenshotted images sent via text by Felix.
Expedition 5 (Laura, Lachie, Patrick, Matt, John and Cam)
This group all met at Lachie's house at about 3:30pm and then made their way to the hash at about 4pm where they met Cam. They reached the hash at 4:11pm. And then they all went to Tallboy and Moose brewery afterwards for outdoor bevs.
Expedition 2 (Rob)
Rob was alerted to this hash very close to his house by Felix. Unfortunately, he was not able to coordinate a co-hashing experience with this person.
Expedition 2 (Jude and Astrid)
Jude and Astrid made their way to this hash after some time at the Rocky Ridge brewery in Brunswick, presumably on their way home. The tried to meet up with the large group before them post-hash, but accidentally went to the wrong pup.
Stevage, KT, Talex, Felix Dance, Lachie, LauraG, Johnwrw, Cam, Pwc, Matt, Rwh, Judecycling and Astrid earned the Bicycle geohash achievement