Geohasher from Nyon, Switzerland
- 2009-09-21 46 5
- 2009-08-26 46 6
- 2009-08-15 46 6
- 2009-08-09 46 6
- 2009-08-08 46 6
- 2009-07-30 46 6
2009-07-11 46 6
2008-11-29 46 6
"Minesweeper" Map (see also User:Hessophanes/Regiohashing)
Crox earned the Land geohash achievement
Crox earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
Crox earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
Crox earned the Border geohash achievement
Crox earned the Consecutive geohash achievement
Useful links
swisstopo coordinates conversion