Sat 21 Mar 2009 in [[|]]: 30.7980280, -86.4404097 google osm bing/os kml crox |
In pretty dense trees about 1 KM from Poverty Creek Rd. Looks like open field to within 200 meters of the hash. Liberian, Powertool and Bos will try for 1700 meetup. --Bos 19:26, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Expedition Report
By Liberian
Both locations this weekend are on land in apparently accessible areas. Bos, Power Tool, and Liberian met up in Niceville at 3:00 (the meet-up time being 5:00 in this graticule) and headed north towards Crestview and the meet-up location. They took in three geocaches around Bob Sikes Airport on the way up but found no opportunity to "commit aviation," to use Bos' term. Heading east along Poverty Creek Road to a point north of the location, where the maps showed a faint road going south. A friendly local came over to ask what they were doing and Bos explained ("You know the game where pilots throw a dart at a map and then go fly to the place where it sticks?"). They invited the local man to join them but he declined, wishing them luck and mentioning that they should look out for the gators. And then into the forest it was; the faint road on the map was nowhere to be found. After about a quarter of a mile through thick undergrowth they came upon a wide open area which they followed for another good quarter of a mile. Then it was into the thick undergrowth again for the final quarter mile. Liberian and Power Tool got separated from Bos by a few hundred feet and were at the point of giving up 300 feet northeast of the location. They stopped to listen for Bos and heard him making steady progress to their west. They called out to him asking how he was doing and he said he was about 100 feet from the location and making progress. Power Tool and Liberian backtracked a bit, bushwhacked west to catch up with Bos, and the three of them all arrived at the meet-up location around 5:30. "Gentlemen, this calls for a celebration," said Liberian, and broke out three bottles of Gator-Ade. That was as close as the group came to gators that afternoon. After taking photographic proof for the Velociraptor Award (giving blood while on a geohash), they realized that the sun was starting to go down and they still had to get back to the road. After another quarter-mile through the thick undergrowth (easier this time, since they weren't aiming for a specific point), they came out to the clear area and followed it half a mile east to the road. Half a mile later they were back at Bos' van and picking up two more geocaches on the way home.
By Bos
Successful mission, survived with minimum casualties through exceptional preference, aggressiveness and tenacity
Weather perfect on this, the first day of spring, clear skies, temperature 70 F
- Flesh eating insects still dormant (except fire ants) - little wildlife observed
Departed parked potato wagon 16:28:34 CDT (see GPS track below)
- Arrived hash about 17:30 - Avg speed about 1 KPH
- Delayed by repeated attacks from hostile vegetation
- Attacks effective but ultimately unsuccessful
Departed hash about 17:40
- Arrived back at Potato 18:22:48 - Avg speed about 2.5 KPH
- Took more prudent longer route through meadows and cleared lane
Neighbor across the street from parking was name of Jerry
- Good guy thought we may have car trouble - offered help
- Briefed him on the mission - objectives and tactics
- Said he'll call reinforcements if we not out by dark
First 100 meters very nice over easy, wide grassy trial
Next 400 meters fairly dense forest underbrush but passable
Then broke out into open meadow for next 250 meters
Last 250 meters was very difficult
- Way impeded by dense local plant called Titi (long i )
- Dense undergrowth flourishing due to lack of overhead canopy
- Thankfully relatively little smilax or black vine (razor sharp thorns)
Amazingly broke out into small, relatively clear area at hash
No one else at hash - no xkcd sign - why am I not surprised?
- Maybe other geohashers got bored and left ;=)
Didn't even consider leaving sign for other expeditions
Gatorade was great - Liberian even packed out the empties for us
Didn't get near alligator habitat this trip
But was beset on all sides by velociraptors
- Not a mission for skirt and heels
- Looked like those pictures of Jesus at Easter - Liberian said no, missing the beard
- We all had wounds but I got the worst of it - Point man often does
- Wish I'd gotten picture of Liberian's shredded plastic bag
Recommended equipment for next mission
- Long sleeved velociraptor armor
- Kevlar (tm) bullet proof vests
- Machetes
- 2009-03-21 30 -86-Inpenetratable.jpg
Not quite inpenetrable brush.